國立中央大學管理學院 EMBA 執行長, 2020/08~2023/11
國立中央大學經濟系 教授, 2012/08~
國立中央大學經濟系 系主任, 2008/08~ 2011/07
國立中央大學經濟系 副教授, 2004/08~2012/07
輔仁大學經濟系 副教授, 1996/08~ 2004/07
行政院經建會法規工作小組 副研究員, 1988/09~1989/06
美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校經濟系 訪問學者, 1999/08~2000/07; 2007/08~2008/07
國立臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院 訪問學者, 2009/07~2009/09
美國伊利諾州大學香檳分校經濟系 訪問學者, 2013/08~2014/07
耕興股份有限公司薪酬委員會委員 2011/12 -
財團法人國家政策研究基金會 財政組 特約研究員 2012/02 -
財團法人商業發展研究院 專案研究顧問, 2012/11 – 2013/10
智晶光電股份有限公司薪酬委員會委員 2011/12-2013/8
美國國務院 傅爾布萊特(Fulbright) 研究學者獎助 (2007/09-2008/06)
國科會科學與技術人員國外短期研究補助 (2007/08-2008/01 ; 2014/01-2014/06 )
國立中央大學管理學院教學優良獎 (2018/06)
"臺灣低利率環境下的政府支出效果",《臺灣經濟預測與政策》, (with 游晴薇) (TSSCI),forthcoming
"Assessing energy subsidy policies in a structural macroeconomic model,” Energy Economics, Vol 103, 105509, 2021. (with Guan-Han Chen) (SSCI)
"Nowcasting GDP growth for small open economies with a mixed-frequency structural model”, Computational Economics, Vol. 54, No.1, pp.177-198. (with C.J. Hueng) (SSCI) (2019)
"Country-specific idiosyncratic risk and global equity index returns" , International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 25, pp. 326-337. (with C.J. Hueng) (SSCI) (2013).
"Foreign direct investment and business cycle co-movements: The panel data evidence" , Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol 33:4, pp. 770-783. (with C.-C. Hsu and J. Y. Wu) (SSCI) (2011).
"Traditional view or revisionist view? The effects of monetary policy on exchange rates in Asia" , Applied Financial Economics, Vol 20:9, pp. 753-760. (with P. Huang and C.J. Hueng) (FLI) (2010).
"台灣泰勒法則估計之資料訊息問題" , 臺灣經濟預測與政策, Vol 41:1, pp. 85-119. (with 朱俊虹、吳俊毅) (TSSCI) (2010).
"Asymmetric exchange rate exposure and industry characteristics: Evidence from Japanese data" , Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, Vol 50:1, pp. 57-69. (with C.-C. Hsu and J. Y. Wu) (SSCI) (2009).
"A dual-target monetary policy rule for open economies: An application to France" , Applied Economics Letters, Vol 15:12, pp 945-948. (with C.J. Hueng) (SSCI) (2008).
"Output convergence revisited: New time series results on industrialized countries” , Applied Economics Letters, Vol 14:1, pp. 75-77. (with C.J. Hueng) (SSCI) (2007).
"Investor preferences and portfolio selection: Is diversification an appropriate strategy?" , Quantitative Finance, Vol 6:3, pp. 255-271. (with C.J. Hueng) (SSCI) (2006).
"Forecasting business cycles using deviations from long-run economic relationships" , Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol 7:5, pp. 734-758. (with C.W.J. Granger and N. Francis) (SSCI) (2003).
"Are policy rules better than the discretionary system in Taiwan?" , Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol 20:1, pp. 60-71. (with J.P. Cover and C.J. Hueng) (SSCI) (2002).
"Sources of persistence in cross-country income disparities: A structural analysis" , Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol 22:4, pp. 611-630, 2000. (with C.J. Hueng) (SSCI) (2000).
“Estimating equilibrium exchange rates from a DSGE model,”, 4th HenU / INFER Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics, Kaifeng, China, June 23-24, 2018. (with C.J. Hueng)
姚睿、連昱榕, “能源補貼下的最適貨幣政策”, 政策研究方法與應用研討會, 中央研究院經濟所, Taipei, September 2017.
“Assessing energy subsidy policies in a structural macroeconomic model,” 14th East Asian Economic Association Convention, Bangkok, Thailand, November 1-2, 2014. (with Guan-Han Chen)
“Policy effects in an estimated DSGE model for the Taiwanese economy,” paper presented at the 2010 Taipei Conference on DSGE Modeling and Monetary Policy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, March 19-20, 2010. (with Chung-Ming Kuan, Jyun-Yi Wu, and Yung-Hsiang Ying)
“The effects of monetary policy and foreign exchange intervention: Evidence from a FAVAR model,” , The International Conference on Factor Structures for Panel and Multivariate Time Series Data, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2008.
“Bond market disequilibrium index and nonlinear dynamics in the term structure of interest rates” , The Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, Beijing, China, 2006.
“Macroeconomic forecasting and dynamic factors" , Western Economic Association International’s 5th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003.
“建構中大型 DSGE-VAR 模型-台灣中長期經濟成長率預測”,《中央銀行季刊》, 第44卷第2期,pp.27-69,2022年6月 (with 蔡宜展、秦國軒、林世揚)
姚睿、洪嘉陽 (2016) ,建構臺灣的混合頻率動態結構總體模型,《中央銀行季刊》, 第38卷第2期,2016年6月,pp.3-31.
Assessing the performance of the monetary policies in Taiwan (with C.J. Hueng), 紀念梁國樹教授第五屆學術研討會論文集---當代貨幣金融問題, 林建甫編, 國立台灣大學經濟學系出版 , 2001年9月, pp.161-174.
國科會研究計畫「小型開放經濟的環境政策效應 」(2023)
中央銀行委託研究計畫 「建構台灣的混合頻率動態結構總體模型」(2015/03 – 2016/03 )
國科會研究計畫「新凱恩斯能源模型下的最適貨幣政策 」 (103學年度)
國科會研究計畫 (86, 88-99學年度)