國立中央大學經濟學系教授(2024年8月 ~)
Chu, Angus C. and Chih-Hsing Liao, "Optimal Patent Policy and Wealth Inequality in a Schumpeterian Economy," Journal of Macroeconomics, forthcoming. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus, C., Chih-Hsing Liao, Rongxin Xu and Ping-Ho Chen (2024), "Dynamic Effects of Tourism Shocks on Innovation in an Open-Economy Schumpeterian Growth model," Economic Modelling, 131, 106619. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Guido Cozzi, Yuichi Furuakwa and Chih-Hsing Liao (2023), "Should the Government Subsidize Innovation or Automation?" Macroeconomic Dynamics, 27, 1059-1088. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Chih-Hsing Liao, Xiangbo Liu and Mengbo Zhang (2021), "Indeterminacy in a Matching Model of Money with Productive Government Expenditure," International Review of Economics and Finance, 71, 497-516. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2019), "A Tale of Two Growth Engines: Interactive Effects of Monetary Policy and Intellectual Property Rights," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 51, 2029-2052. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Guido Cozzi, Haichao Fan, Yuichi Furuakwa and Chih-Hsing Liao (2019), "Innovation and Inequality in a Monetary Schumpeterian Model with Heterogeneous Households and Firms," Review of Economic Dynamics, 34, 141-164. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Guido Cozzi, Yuichi Furuakwa and Chih-Hsing Liao (2019), "Inflation and Innovation in a Schumpeterian Economy with North-South Technology Transfer," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 51, 683-719. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Guido Cozzi, Yuichi Furuakwa and Chih-Hsing Liao (2017), "Inflation and Economic Growth in a Schumpeterian Model with Endogenous Entry of Heterogeneous Firms," European Economic Review, 98, 392-409. (SSCI)
曹添旺與廖志興 (2017),「通貨替代、價格調整與產出波動」, 經濟論文, 45, 207-250. (TSSCI)
曹添旺, 曹真睿與廖志興 (2016),「進口物價波動、資本累積與貿易條件動態」, 經濟論文, 44, 413-455. (TSSCI)
Chu, Hsun, Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2016), "A Note on Environment-dependent Time Preferences," Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20, 1652-1667. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Guido Cozzi, Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2015), "Inflation, R&D and Growth in an Open Economy," Journal of International Economics, 96, 360-374. (SSCI)
Chu, Cyrus C. Y., Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2014), "How Could the Non-sustainable Easter Island Have Been Sustained?" International Review of Economics and Finance, 34, 161-174. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Kamhon Kan, Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2014), "Money, Random Matching and Endogenous Growth: A Quantitative Analysis," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 41, 173-187. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Guido Cozzi and Chih-Hsing Liao (2013), "Endogenous Fertility and Human Capital in a Schumpeterian Growth Model," Journal of Population Economics, 26, 181-202. (SSCI)
Lai, Ching-Chong and Chih-Hsing Liao (2012), "Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxation with Productive Government Expenditure," International Review of Economics and Finance, 22, 66-77. (SSCI)
Chu, Angus C., Guido Cozzi, Haicho Fan, Yuichi Furukawa and Chih-Hsing Liao (2022), "How Minimum Wages Affect Automation and Innovation In a Schumpeterian Economy," 2022總體經濟計量模型研討會, 中央研究院經濟研究所
Chang, Juin-Jen, Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2016), "Welfare Cost of Inflation: The Role of Price Markups and Increasing Returns to Production Specialization," 台灣經濟學會2016年年會, 國立台灣大學.
Chu, Cyrus C. Y., Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2014), "How Could the Non-sustainable Easter Island Have Been Sustained?" The IREF Workshop on Trade, Resources and Growth, Taipei.
Chu, Angus C., Guido Cozzi, Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2013), "Monetary Policy, R&D and Economic Growth in an Open Economy," 台灣經濟學會2013年年會, 淡江大學.
Chu, Angus C., Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2012), "Money and Random Matching in an Endogenous Growth Model," 台灣經濟學會2012年年會, 國立中央大學.
Chu, Angus C., Ching-Chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao (2010), "A Tale of Two Growth Engines: Interactive Effects of Monetary Policy and Intellectual Property Rights," 台灣經濟學會2010年年會, 國立台灣大學.
行政院國家科學及技術委員會2023年8月至2024年7月,「工會、創新與所得不均程度」,編號:NSTC 112-2410-H-008-071,計畫主持人。
行政院科技部2022年8月至2023年7月,「國際旅遊、產業自動化與最適補貼於R&D成長模型的研究」,編號:MOST 111-2410-H-008-043,計畫主持人。
行政院科技部2020年8月至2022年7月,「自動化與創新在熊彼特經濟的成長效應」,編號:MOST 109-2628-H-034-001-MY2,計畫主持人。
行政院科技部2019年8月至2020年7月,「創新、自動化、與通貨膨脹:熊彼特成長模型」,編號:MOST 108-2410-H-034-011,計畫主持人。
行政院科技部2018年8月至2019年7月,「國防R&D與經濟成長:開放經濟的分析」,編號:MOST 107-2410-H-034-004,計畫主持人。
行政院科技部2016年8月至2018年7月,「通貨膨脹與失業: 搜尋摩擦的成長模型」,編號:MOST 105-2628-H-034-001-MY2,計畫主持人。
行政院科技部2015年8月至2016年7月,「國防支出的排擠效應」,編號:MOST 104-2410-H-034-003,計畫主持人。
行政院科技部2014年8月至2015年7月,「通貨膨脹福利成本:專業化生產模型」,編號:MOST 103-2410-H-034-004,計畫主持人。
Economic Modelling (SSCI), 副主編 (2020年2月~)
行政院科技部2020年優秀年輕學者研究計畫 (2020年8月~2022年7月)
行政院科技部2016年優秀年輕學者研究計畫 (2016年8月~2018年7月)
台灣經濟學會2012年博士論文獎 蔣碩傑理論組 佳作