1. Dachrahn Wu and Mei-Hua Chang (2009), “Two-Part Tariffs for a Monopoly Amusement Park When There Are Multiple Varieties of Rides,” Agriculture and Economics, forthcoming. (TSSCI)
2. Mei-Hua Chang, Nien Pen Liu and Dachrahn Wu (2009), “Endorsement Advertising and Legal Liability”, Fair Trade Quarterly, forthcoming. (TSSCI)
3. Yi-Ming Chen, Dachrahn Wu, and Cheng-Kuang Wu (2009), “A Game Theoretic Framework for Multi-agent Deployment in Intrusion Detection Systems,” Security Informatics, Serial: Annal of Information Systems, Vol. 9, p. 117 – 134.
4. Chen Yi-Ming, Dachrahn Wu, and Cheng-Kuang Wu (2009), “A Game Theory Approach for Evaluating Terrorist Threats and Deploying Response Agents in Urban Environments.”Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, Article 31. (SSCI)
5. Chen Yi-Ming, Dachrahn Wu, and Cheng-Kuang Wu (2009), “A Game Theory Approach for the Reallocation of Security Forces against Terrorist Diversionary Attacks.” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2009, p.89-94. (EI)
6. Wu, Dachrahn, Ming Chung Chang and Mei-Hua Chang, (2008), “Market coverage and “love of software variety” in the supporting services approach,” Netnomics:Economic Research and Electronic Networking, Volume 9 No.2, p.77-86. (Econlit)
7. Chen, Yi-Ming, Dachrahn Wu and Cheng-Kuang Wu (2008), “A Game Theoretic Approach for Deploying Intrusion Detection Agent.” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. (EI)
8. Chen Yi-Ming, Dachrahn Wu, and Cheng-Kuang Wu (2008), “A Game Theory Approach for an Emergency Management Security Advisory System.” IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 2008 Conference, June 2008. (EI)
9. Chang, Ming-Chung, Chiu Fen Lin and Dachrahn Wu, (2008), “Piracy and Limited Liability,” Journal of Economics, Vol. 95, No. 1, p. 25-53. (SSCI)
10.吳正光、陳奕明、吳大任 (2007),「賽局理論在資訊安全上的應用-以網路入侵偵測節點的最經濟配置為例」,資訊、科技與社會學報,Volume 7(2),p.51-62。
11. Liu, Nien-Pen and Dachrahn Wu (2007), “New Explanations for the Firm Size-Wage Premium.” Economics Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 2 p. 1-7. (EconLit)
12. Liu, Nien-Pen and Dachrahn Wu (2007), “Does a Non-verifiable Imperfect Informative Binary Signal Always Create a Strictly Positive Value?” Economics Bulletin, Vol. 10 No. 7 pp. 1-7. (EconLit)
13. Wu, Dachrahn and Nien-Pen Liu (2007), “Why do Amusement Parks only Charge a Fixed Admission Fee?” Economics Letters, 95(2), p.180-185. (SSCI, EconLit)
14.吳大任、陳俊宏 (2007),「網路經濟中的接續費訂價決策」,財務金融學刊,15(4), p.1-18。(TSSCI)
15.Chou, Chung-Hui and Dachrahn Wu (2002), “Compatibility Choices and Network Product Markets,” Taiwan Economic Review, Volume 30, 2, 229-245. (TSSCI, EconLit)
16.周崇輝、吳大任 (2000),「系統產品與相容性選擇」,經濟論文叢刊,第28輯第二期,241-265。 (TSSCI, EconLit)
17.吳大任、吳威達 (1999),「上下游雙邊寡佔時垂直限制行為之規範」,經濟論文叢刊,第27輯第二期,37-50。 (TSSCI, EconLit)
18.莊慶達、劉祥熹、吳大任 (1998) ,「台灣遠洋鮪釣漁業因應責任漁業制之策略分析」,農業經濟論叢,第四卷第一期,37-50。 (TSSCI)
19.吳大任、彭建強 (1998) ,「有線電視產業之區域市場結構—均衡及福利分析」,公平交易季刊,第六卷第三期,37-50。 (TSSCI)
20.吳大任 (1994),「政治穩定、訊號與海外投資」,台灣經濟學會論文集,65-82。
21.吳大任 (1994) ,「真品平行貿易、垂直整合與市場區隔」,公平交易季刊,第二卷第三期,107-123。 (TSSCI)
1. Dachrahn Wu and Mei-Hua Chang (2007), "Partial Compatibility and Cross Subsidization of Hardware/Software Systems in the Presence of Two-Sided Network Effects", Singapore Economic Review Conference 2007.
2.吳大任、劉念本 (2006),「主題樂園定價模式」,東吳大學經濟系2006網路與產業經濟研討會。
3.吳大任、張明宗、張美華 (2006), “Market Coverage and “Love of Variety of Software” in the Supporting Services Approach”,淡江大學產經系貿易與產業經濟國際學術研討會。
4.張明宗、林秋芬、吳大任 (2004), “Piracy and Network Externality--An Analysis for a Monopolized Software Industry”,台灣經濟學會2004年年會 ,政治大學社會科學學院,2004年12月。
5.周崇輝、吳大任(2001),“Tariff, Compatibility Choice and Standardization”,資訊暨網路經濟學研討會,2001年5月。
6.周崇輝、吳大任 (2000),「軟體獨占廠商的智慧財產權保護決策」,東吳2000經濟研討會,東吳大學經濟系。
7.周崇輝、吳大任 (1999),「系統產品與相容性選擇」,產業及區域經濟學術研討會,中央研究院經濟研究所。
8.吳大任 (1997),「外資與政治穩定度的不確定性」,21世紀兩岸農業發展方向學術研討會論文集。中國農村經濟學會。
9.Wu, Dachrahn (1997), “Foreign Investment and the Asymmetric Information Caused by the Uncertainty of Political Stability,” International Conference for Game Theory.
10. Wu, Dachrahn (1996), “Political Contribution and Social Welfare,” The Second International Conference on Applications of Dynamic Models to Economics, Chung Li.
11. Wu, Dachrahn (1994), “Duopolistic Brokerage Markets,” International Conference of Game Theory.
12.吳大任 (1992),「存在於貿易市場區隔下之真品平行輸入」,產業經濟學暨公平交易法學術研討會。
13.Wu, Dachrahn (1991), “Coordination-A Strategic Approach of a Monopolistic Broker,” Proceeding of Game Theory and Application, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, ROC.
1.錢玉蘭、吳大任 (2000),「電力零售競爭市場交易模式與制度研究」, 國科會委託計劃。
2.莊慶達、劉祥熹、吳大任 (1997),「我國遠洋漁業如何因應國際責任漁業制:策略聯盟理論之應用」,農委會委託計畫。
3.Wu, Dachrahn (1992), “Monopolistic Broker and the Threat of a Secondary Market–a Strategic Approach,” S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook, Ph.D. Dissertation.