Member of International Trade Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Executive Yuan.
Members of Population Policy Committee, National Development Council, Executive Yuan.
Associate Dean, School of Management, National Central University.
Member of Labor Affair Commission, Council of Labor Affair, Executive Yuan.
Members of the Basic Wage Council, Council of Labor Affair, Executive Yuan.
Visiting Professor, Sandra Ann Morsilli Pacific-Basin Capital Market Research Center, University of Rhode Island.
Department Chairman, Department of Economics, National Central University.
Editorial Committee, Taipei Economic Inquiry.
Associate Researcher, Industrial Technology Research Institute.
Research Assistant, Chun-Hua Institution for Economic Research.
1.Huang, L.H. (2021), “How Happy are People as They Work in Nonprofit Organizations?”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, forthcoming,, Available online July 29 2021. (SSCI)
2.Hsu, C.C. and L.H. Huang (2020), “The Wage Premium of the Credits Program in Higher Education in Taiwan”, Journal of Educational Research and Development, 16(4), 1-32. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI 10.6925/SCJ.202012_16(4).0001 (TSSCI)
3.Huang, L.H. and H.Y. Huang (2020), “Real Wage Stagnancy: Evidence from Taiwan”, Singapore Economic Review, 65(2), 485-506, S0217590816500417, Available online 29 March 2017. (SSCI)
4.Huang, L.H (2019), “Well-being and Volunteering: Evidence from Aging Societies in Asia”, Social Science & Medicine, 229, 172-180. j.socscimed.2018.09.004. (SSCI)
5.Huang, L.H (2018), “Can Stronger Family Connections Alleviate the Adverse Effects of Unemployment on Happiness? Evidence from Asian Countries”, Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 7, 225-245, (Econlit)
6.Huang, L.H and Yu-Tzu Huang (2015), “Impact of Unemployment on Crime in Europe”, Romanian Economic Journal, 57, September, 3-36. (Econlit)
7. Huang, L.H and Julia H.Y. Huang (2015), “Rigid Low College Premiums and the Expansion of Higher Education in Taiwan”, Singapore Economic Review, 60 (4), June, 1550022-1-1550022-25. (SSCI)
8.Huang, L.H and Julia H.Y. Huang (2013), “Labor Market Reforms on the Unemployment Rate and Wage Payments in Europe”, Empirical Economics Letters, 12(12), December, 1355-1364. (Econlit)
9.Huang, L.H and Julia H.Y. Huang (2013), “Does Labor Market Rigidity Matter for Economic Performance? Evidence from the Four Asian Tigers”, Korea Observer, 44(3), Autumn, 467-493. (SSCI)
10.Wang, M.C., C.R. Fang, and L.H. Huang (2012), “The Coexistence of High Unemployment and Good Economic Performance in Large Open Developing Countries,” Review of International Economics, 20(4), 767-780. (SSCI)
11.Huang, L.H., S.K. Chen and S.B. Han (2011), “The Effect of Business Reorganization and Technical Innovation on Firm Performance,” Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 17(1), Spring, 29-36. (EconLit)
12.Wang, M.C., C.R. Fang, and L.H. Huang (2009), “International Knowledge Spillovers and Wage Inequality in Developing Countries,” Economic Modelling, 26 (6), 1208-1214. (SSCI)
13.San, G., T.C. Huang and L.H. Huang (2008) “Does Labor Quality Matter on Productivity Growth? The Case of Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry,” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 19(10), 1043-1053. (SSCI)
14.Fang, C.R., L.H. Huang, and M.C. Wang (2008) "Technology Spillover and Wage Inequality", Economic Modelling, 25, 137-147. (SSCI)
15.San, G., T.C. Huang and L.H. Huang (2006), ”Economic Development and High Quality Labor in Taiwan in Year 2015,” Taiwanese Labor, 1(1), 32-63 (in Chinese).
16.San, G., T.C. Huang and L.H. Huang (2006), ”The Establishment and Application of a Labor Quality Index: The Case of Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industry”, Journal of Social Indicators Research, January, 79, 61-96. (SSCI)
17.San, G., T.C. Huang, L.H. Huang and Y.W. Fan (2005), “An International Comparison on Policies in Attracting Science and Technology Elites,” Sci-Tech Policy Review, 1(1), 2-16 (in Chinese).
18.San, G., T.C. Huang and L.H. Huang (2004), “The Trend and the Changes of Labor Quality Index for Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industry: 1990-1999,” Management Review, 23(1), 73-100 (in Chinese with English abstract). (TSSCI )
19.Huang, L.H. (2003), “Industry-specific Human Capital, Occupation and Firm Size: Evidence from Taiwan”, Small Business Economics, 20(3), 25-218. (SSCI)
20.Huang, L.H. (2001), “Industry-specific Human Capital, and Wage Determination in Taiwan: A Cohort Analysis”, Asian Economic Journal, 15(1), 19-37. (ECONLIT)
21.Huang, L.H. (2001), “Was Higher Education a Quasi-Fixed Factor for Firms in the 1980s?” Economics of Education Review, 20(5), 495-501. (SSCI)
22.Huang, L.H. (2000), “Labor Productivity in the Efficiency-Wage Model: A Consideration of the Firm’s Death Rate,” Small Business Economics, 14(2), 149-155. (SSCI)
23.Huang, L.H. (2000), “A Reexamination of the Foreign Labor Policy in Taiwan,” Socioeconomic Law and Institution Review, 25, 189-202 (in Chinese with English abstract).
24.Huang, L.H. and C.R. Fang (1999), “Human Capital and Labor Mobility across Industry,” Taipei Economic Inquiry, 36(1), 45-62 (in Chinese).
25.San, G., T.C. Huang and L.H. Huang (1997), “Compiling a Labor Quality Index for Taiwan Labor Force in the Manufacturing Industry,” Socioeconomic Law and Institution Review, 20, 1-28 (in Chinese with English abstract).
1.黃麗璇 (2022), “經濟學多元教學模式的學習成效分析” 110年度教學實踐計畫成果交流會,教育部主辦,新竹。
2.L.H. Huang (2019), “The Determination of Dual Job Holding in Taiwan: A Consideration of Statutory Hours Reduction and Wage Stagnancy,” WEAI 15th International Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
3.L.H. Huang (2015), “What Determines Happiness in Four Asia Countries --- Effect of Unemployment and Family Connection,” WEAI 2015 Annual Conference, Hawaii.
4.黃麗璇 (2014), “社會高齡化對勞工退休金制度之衝擊” 勞動基準法施行30週年回顧與前瞻研討會,行政院勞動部,台北。
5.L.H. Huang and H.Y. Huang (2013), “The Impact of Nonwage Labor Costs on Real Wage --- Evidence from Taiwan and South Korea,” WEAI 2013 Annual Conference, Seattle.
6.黃麗璇 (2012), “台港二地勞動市場之比較” 台港二地人文與管理比較研討會,國立中央大學。
7.L.H. Huang and H.Y. Huang (2012), “The Effects of Skill-Biased Technological Change and Labor Market Rigidities on Wage Growth and Unemployment: Evidence from 15 European Countries,” WEAI 2012 Annual Conference, San Francisco.
8.L.H. Huang (2011), “The Effects of Computer Usage, E-business, and Technical Improvement on Industrial Employment Differential: a Case Study from Taiwan,” WEAI 2011 Annual Conference, San Diego.
9.H.Y. Huang and L.H. Huang (2011), “The Effect of Labor Market Rigidity and European Unemployment Reform,” WEAI 2011 Annual Conference, San Diego.
10.L.H. Huang (2010), “The Impact of the Expansion of College Education on Wage Premium in Taiwan: A Consideration of Cohort Quality and Labor Substitution” 「倒金字塔?人口結構變動的為機與對策」,世新大學經濟系主辦。
12.L.H. Huang and S.K. Chen (2009), “Does ISO 9000 Certification Enhance Business Product? Evidence from a Small-Open Economy,” 2009年臺灣經濟計量學會年會,台灣大學,台北。
13.L.H. Huang and S.K. Chen (2009), “The Impact of ISO Adoption and Technological Improvement on Business Performance,” Proceedings of the northeast decision sciences institute 2009 annual conference, Connecticut, USA.
14.林世杰、黃麗璇 (2007),”探討影響組織變革的因素~以臺灣製造業為例”, 第六屆台灣科技大學管理新思維研討會,國立台灣科技大學企業管理學系(2007)。
15.林世杰、黃麗璇 (2007),”組織變革對技術別薪資差異之影響”, 第八屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會,國立成功大學經濟學系。
16.Chuang, H.L., M. Hsu, and L.H. Huang (2007), ”Low Fertility Rate in Taiwan: The Role of Female Education, Marriage and Employment Status ”, presented at the WEAI 82nd Annual Conference, Seattle.
18.Lee, J., L.H. Huang and P.C. Cheng (2007), “How Flexible Is Taiwan’s Labor Market? A Quantitative Assessment,” International Conference on Social Indicator and Social Development: Survey Database, Geographic Information, and Policy Planning, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS), Academia Sinica, Taipei.
21.Chuang, H.L., M. Hsu, and L.H. Huang (2006), ” Low Fertility Rate in Taiwan: The Role of Female Education, Marriage and Employment Status ” , presented at the workshop on Cross-border Marriages in Asia and Europe, International Institute of Asian Studies in the Netherlands, IIAS, Taipei.
22.單驥、黃同圳、黃麗璇(2005),「台灣營造業受雇勞動力品質指標之建立:1990-2002」, 2005永續發展科技與政策研討會,國科會永續會主辦。
24.Wang, M.C., C.R. Fang and L.H. Huang (2005), “International Trade and Urban Unemployment in Large Developing Countries”, 中央大學經濟系2005年國際貿易與產業經濟學研討會。
25.單驥、黃同圳、黃麗璇(2004),「台灣服務業受雇勞動力品質指標之建立:1990-2001」, 2004永續發展科技與政策研討會。
26.單驥、黃同圳、黃麗璇、范懿文(2004),「科技人才之培養與羅致: 跨國比較與研究」,《兩岸科教創新論文》,福州大學軟科學研究所主辦。
29.Cheng, H.A. and L.H. Huang (2002),“Educational Wage Premium in Taiwan”,at the Conference of Population Change, Labor Market Transition and Economic Development in Asia, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
31.黃麗璇、王雅鈴(2001), 「員工在職訓練之成效分析 --- 以新竹科學園區廠商為例」,台灣高科技產業人力問題研討會,台灣經濟發展中心。
32.黃麗璇(1998),「特殊人力資本對薪資決定之影響 --- 以台灣女性為例」,婦女之薪資訂定與勞動供給 --- 兼論台灣統計資料研討會。
33.L.H. Huang.(1997), “A Cohort Analysis on the Wage Determination in Taiwan: Human Capital and Labor Switches Across Industries,” Proceedings of the Mid-America Chinese Professional Annual Convention, 250-261.
36.Fang, C.R. and L.H. Huang (1996), “Human Capital and Labor Mobility,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applications of Dynamic Models to Economics, 253-272, National Central University.
1.Huang LH., Gu D. (2021), “Layoffs and Subjective Well-Being”, in: Gu, D. and Dupre M.E. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham.
2.Gu, D. and L.H. Huang (2020), “Mandatory and Statutory Retirement Ages”, in: Gu, D. and Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham., Available online 23 June 2020.
3.黃麗璇 (2014),「社會高齡化對勞工退休金制度之衝擊」,回顧與前瞻---勞動基準法施行30週年論文集,勞動部主編,頁443-470。
4.黃麗璇 (2013),「台港二地勞動市場之比較」,台灣、香港二地人文、經濟與管理互動之探討,李誠主編,中央大學出版中心,頁95-122。
5.Huang, L.H., and Y.L. Wang (2001), “The Benefit of the On-the-job Training --- Evidence from Firms in the Hsin-Chu Science Based Industrial Park,” in Human Resources and the Development of High-Tech Industries in Taiwan, edited by San Gee and Ming Chung Chang, Research Center for Taiwan Economic Development, 77-98.
6.San, G., T.C. Huang and L.H. Huang (2001), “The Comparison of the Labor Quality Index,” in Research on Labor Statistics, edited by Joseph S. Lee and Li-Chung Lin, Research Center for Taiwan Economic Development, 239-264.
7.Huang, L.H., and H.L. Chung (2000), “The Impact of Industrial Structure on the Unemployment of Highly Educated Workers,” in Taiwan’s Unemployment Problems, edited by Joseph S. Lee, Research Center for Taiwan Economic Development, 177-197.
1.黃麗璇 (2022),「經濟學多元教學模式的學習成效分析」,教育部110年度教學實踐研究計畫, PBM1101025。
2.黃麗璇 (2019),「法定工時縮減對已就業勞工找尋額外工作之意願的影響分析」,科技部專案研究補助計畫, MOST 107-2410-H-008-006。
3.黃麗璇 (2017),「社會企業與社企人力--- 台灣的實證研究」,科技部專案研究補助計畫, MOST 104-2410-H-008-002。
4.黃麗璇 (2016),「最低工資制度之跨國比較---台灣基本工資制度之省思」,台灣勞工季刊,48,13-20,勞動部出版,105年12月。
6.黃麗璇、黃亦莉、王紫婕 (2016),「各主要國家最低(基本)工資調整機制之研究」,勞動部專案委託研究報告。
7.詹火生、辛炳隆、黃麗璇、黃玟娟 (2015),「延後退休可行性方案之研究」,勞動部專案委託研究報告。
8.黃麗璇 (2015),「快樂程度之決定---學歷、區域相對效果與經濟條件適應效果之研究」,科技部專案研究補助計畫, MOST 103-2410-H-008-005。
9.黃麗璇 (2014),「勞工經濟成長果實分享之探討 --- 勞動制度的影響」,國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 101-2410-H-008-013-MY2。
10.黃麗璇 (2013),「年金改革對企業及國家競爭力可能衝擊之研究」,行政院經濟建設委員會委託研究報告。
11.黃麗璇 (2012),「勞動市場法規、薪資僵固性與失業關係之研究」,國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 99-2410-H-008-013-MY2。
12.黃麗璇 (2011),「基本工資議題再探討與談稿」,發表於後ECFA時代勞動政策新思維專書,簡明哲、馬財專、王方與徐美主編,新台灣人文教基金會,頁126-129。
13.黃麗璇 (2010),「產業薪資差異與雇用量差異之分析 --- 技能別技術進步與組 織變革之影響」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 98-2410-H-008-019。
14.黃麗璇 (2009),「主要國家因應貿易自由化之協助勞工措施及政策思維 -- 美、歐、韓、日與談稿」,貿易自由化對臺灣勞動市場之影響及因應論壇,行政院勞工委員會主辦。
15.黃麗璇 (2009),「我國基本工資調整機制研究分析」, 行政院勞工委員會委託 計畫。
16.黃麗璇 (2009),「技能偏向型技術進步對企業ISO9000、ISO14001認證以及生產力之影響」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 98-2918- I-008-004。
17.黃麗璇 (2009),「大學教育報酬率之世代分析 --- 相對供給需求、產業檢選效果、世代品質效果之探討」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 97-2410-H- 008-002。
18.黃麗璇 (2008),「少子高齡化趨勢下台灣老年族群安養照護相關產業勞動供需之探討」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 96-2621-Z-008-014。
19.黃麗璇 (2007),「少子高齡化趨勢下婚姻結構變化、婦女勞動供給與長期勞動總供給之探討」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 95-2621-Z-008-006。
20.單驥、黃麗璇 (2006),「強化我國終身職能學習之研究」,經濟建設委員會委託計畫報告。
21.黃麗璇 (2006),「少子高齡化趨勢下薪資不均度與經濟永續發展之關係」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC94-2621-Z-008-014。
22.黃麗璇 (2005),「台灣人力資本與素質指標之建立---子計晝四:教育、訓練、勞動力結構與勞動生產力之探討(IV)」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC93-2621-Z-008-008。
23.單驥、黃同圳、黃麗璇、范懿文 (2004),「補助延攬科技人才成效評估計畫」,國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC92-2811-C-008-001。
24.黃麗璇 (2004),「技術擴散與薪資差異」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC92-2415-H-008-002。
25.黃麗璇 (2004),「台灣人力資本與素質指標之建立---子計晝四:教育、訓練、勞動力結構與勞動生產力之探討(III)」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC92-2621-Z-008-012。
26.黃麗璇 (2003),「台灣地區教育別薪資差異之研究」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 91-2415-H-008-002。
27.黃麗璇 (2003),「台灣人力資本與素質指標之建立---子計晝三:教育、訓練、勞動力結構與勞動生產力之探討(II)」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC 91-2621-Z-008-012。
28.黃麗璇 (2002),「勞動品質與勞動結構變遷對永續經濟的影響---子計畫二:台灣地區各產業教育、訓練、勞動力結構與勞動品質指標之探討(I)」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫,NSC90-2621-Z-008-003。
29.黃麗璇 (1999),「制定三贏的外勞政策」, 台灣經濟研究月刊,22卷,10期,頁104-108。
30.黃麗璇 (1998),「破解高學歷高失業率的迷思---探討台灣高學歷人力資源題」,台灣經濟研究月刊,21卷,11期,頁93-101。
31.黃麗璇 (1998),「特殊人力資本對勞動移轉與薪資所得之影響---世代效果之分析」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC87-2415-H-008-007。
32.黃麗璇 (1997),「不對稱訊息與工作搜尋」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫,NSC85-2415-H-008-002。
33.黃同圳 、單驥、黃麗璇 (1997),「外勞引進對國人就業機會及勞動條件影響之研究」, 行政院勞工委員會委託研究報告。
34.黃麗璇 (1997),「效率工資與勞動生產力」,國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC86-2415-H-008-002。
35.單驥、黃同圳、黃麗璇 (1996),「勞動運用與勞動品質改善之研究」,行政院勞工委員會委託研究報告。
36.黃麗璇 (1995),「台灣地區各教育階層勞工失業結構之研究---不同經濟干擾來源之影響」, 國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫,NSC83-0301-H-008-021。
37.黃同圳、黃麗璇 (1995),「階段性縮短工時對產業之影響分析」,行政院勞工委員會委託研究報告。
38.黃麗璇、方振瑞 (1995),「工業化、人力資本與產業間勞工之移動」,國家科學委員會專案研究補助計畫, NSC84-2415-H-008-001-K3。